


western lifestyle


AQHA Amateur Heading World Champion MJ Razor Wire was the AQHA Amateur Heading World Champion in 2018.  This was a title that Rodney had been working for, for many years.  It has been a lot of long nights, traveling, and riding on days where you don’t feel like saddling up. It has been good days […]


AQHA Amateur Heading World Champion | MJ Razor Wire | Taylorsville, NC

Laze L Farm Photography | MJ Razor Wire | AQHA Amateur Heading World Champion | roping horse with trophies

LLF Rider 2018 End of Season Samantha Collins started her year out in North Carolina wanting to do cutting horse shows and ended up on a barrel horse ranch in Colorado. Throughout the year she faced a lot of trials and hard times and wasn’t really sure how she would end up.  From an injured […]


LLF Rider 2018 | End of Season | Samantha Collins

Laze L Farm Photography | LLF Rider 2018 | Samantha Collins | Horse and Rider on dirt road

Jaidyn finished out the year strong! She has grown so much over the past year in her barrel racing and goals. She finished her High School Rodeo Year second place in the Jr. Division. This was a big deal for her because it was her first year running on Poo and she was running against […]


LLF Rider 2018 | End of Season | Jaidyn Galliher

Born to Ride Hadley’s first birthday came so fast it was hard to believe she was turning one. Jessie is one of my long time best friends and seeing her become a mom for the first time was one of the coolest things I have ever gotten to see! Jessie always dreamed of having a […]


Born to Ride | 1st Birthday | Taylorsville NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Born to Ride | Taylorsville NC | little girl riding horse

Grace Askew This past fall I took a trip out west to visit some friends in Colorado and Oklahoma.  On the way out I got the chance to meet up with a singer that I have been following for I know over four years, Grace Askew.  I first heard of her when she was on […]


I don’t want to be famous | Grace Askew

Laze L Farm Photography | Grace Askew | Knoxville, TN | Waffle House | girl playing guitar

Barrel Racing Bride A few weeks ago there was an image of a barrel racing bride going around facebook.  I saw the image and instantly wanted to do a version of that.  I made a post on facebook looking for someone who would be crazy enough to do it and April was the first one […]


Barrel Racing Bride | Hiddenite NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Barrel Racing Bride | Hiddenite NC | bride barrel racing

Elder Family Farm Session You might remember these two from their wedding in Fort Walton Beach, FL last May.  They had a gorgeous wedding on the beach and I was so lucky to be a part of it!! The first time we had their session scheduled we were getting over 16″ of snow in early […]

Farm Session

Elder Family | Farm Session | Taylorsville NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Elder Farm Session | Taylorsville NC | family walking with dog

Dixie Classic SRA Rodeo I was excited to tag along with my friend Heather from 555 Photography as she shot the Dixie Classic Fair SRA Rodeo in Winston Salem, NC.  We don’t get to see each other very often but she was going to be so close that I had to go hang out and […]


Dixie Classic Fair | SRA Rodeo | Winston-Salem NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Dixie Classic Fair SRA Rodeo | Winston-Salem, NC | pick up man

Stepping out of your box is hard. It is scary and I just say that I don’t really want to do it.  One of my favorite sayings is if you are not uncomfortable you are not growing.  It makes a lot of sense. If you are in your comfort zone you are staying in one […]


Brandi Taylor | Equine Session | Taylorsville NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Equine Session | Taylorsville, NC | silhouette of cowgirl

Engagement Snow Session Destiny & Parks came to visit during the snow storm that we had.  After 18″ of snow and being snowed in for several days it was good to get out of the house. These two are getting married in May and are so cute together.  I have watched Destiny grow up into […]

Farm Session

Parks and Destiny | Snow Session | Taylorsville NC

Klasett Farm Session The Klasett Family came to the farm right after it snowed for some family snow pictures.  We got over 18 inches of snow and it hung around for over a week.  It started warming up, the roads were clear so it was the perfect time to have a few snow sessions at […]

Farm Session

Klasett Family | Snow Session | Taylorsville NC

Taylor Family The Taylor family is always one of my favorites to photograph.  Peyton, the little girl, is a spit fire and always keeps you entertained.  She is always laughing, doing crazy dances, or just being her goofy self.  It is always an honor to get to spend an afternoon with them! Each year for […]

Equine, Farm Session

Taylor Family | Farm Session | Lenoir NC

Haberski Family The Haberski family is one of the sweetest families you will ever meet! I first met Sally when I met her sweet little palomino mare, Lauralyle.  Her little mare came from a local horse sale and is now teaching lessons and schooling over three feet courses.  She has a heart of gold and […]

Farm Session

Haberski Family | Farm Session | Hickory NC

McCurdy Family The McCurdy Family is so fun! The kids are crazy and are not scared to get dirty.  The entire time, Sarah, the mom was telling them to stay out of the creek, get out of the mud puddle, and to stay clean for a few minutes to get some pictures. The McCurdy kids […]

Farm Session

McCurdy Family | Farm Session | Vashti NC

Morrison Farm Session I love when I get to shoot the Morrison Family.  They are so sweet and always up for whatever.  From the grandkids laughing to the jokes cracked by the adults, there is never a dull moment. I grew up with Jessie and I have known here since she was a wee lad. […]

Farm Session

Jessie and Josh | Farm Session | Taylorsville NC

Mabyn & Daniel Ya’ll I don’t know where to start with Mabyn but she is a rock star.  Mabyn & Daniel are the brilliant minds behind Mabyn Ludke Photography. Mabyn is an amazing wedding photographer and the co-leader with me in our Rising Tide Society group. For over the last year, Mabyn has been my […]


Mabyn and Daniel | Craggy Gardens | Asheville NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Craggy Gardens | Asheville NC | couple snuggled up together

Black Sheep Brand This was my second shoot with Black Sheep Brand and every time we have a blast. The shirts that BSB offers are all so different but they all have a western theme.  This photoshoot we did in Statesville at a local friends barn and they were so kind to let us over […]


Black Sheep Brand | Western Fashion | Statesville NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Black Sheep Brand | Statesville NC | models with linked arms in western t-shirts

Black Sheep Brand The Black Sheep Brand is a brand new western t-shirt company based out of North Carolina. Bailey started the business with a dream of having super cool t-shirts with a western flare. This was the first time that I have had a chance to work with BSB and let me tell you […]


Black Sheep Brand | Western T-shirt Company | Love Valley NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Black Sheep Brand | Love Valley NC | three cowgirls in old western town

Black Sheep Brand The Black Sheep Brand is a brand new western t-shirt company based out of North Carolina. Bailey started the business with a dream of having super cool t-shirts with a western flare. This was the first time that I have had a chance to work with BSB and let me tell you […]


Black Sheep Brand | Western T-shirt Company | Love Valley NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Black Sheep Brand | Love Valley NC | three cowgirls in old western town

Almost there!

If you want to keep up with where I'll be, deals, and all the behind the scenes stuff, drop your email below!