Barns Family | Farm Session | Taylorsville NC

Farm Session

I have known the Barns family for several years and have had the chance to watch their daughter Bailey grow up.  When she was younger she was kind of interested in horses but never to a love to it like Amy has.  It wasn’t until last year when Bailey got her first horse and now she has turned into one crazy horse girl.  Everytime she gets on to rider she gains a little more confidence.  She has started barrel racing and enjoying more and more time riding.  Isaac has also started to enjoy riding and has taken over his mom’s old horse, Hank.

A few years ago Amy and Rodney lost their house to a fire.  They lost all of their photographs, her wedding dress, and all the items they had collected over the years.  It was devastating having two young children who didn’t really know what was going on.  The community came together and held a barrel race to help the family raise money for their new house.  I remember at the benefit Amy told the story of how she found a Bible that some how didn’t get burned.  And through finding that Bible she knew that God was with them through this storm in their life.

Fast forward to present day, they now have a beautiful new home full of beautiful furniture.  They are so happy and appreciate all the small things in life.  Barrel racing is a huge part of their family time and it is always to much fun overtime I get to photograph this wonderful family!

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