


western lifestyle


  Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. Proverbs 13:20 +You become wise by doing life with the wise +Wisdom is contagious. Wisdom rubs off +Walk with = do life with +Wise people understand that life is connected and they live/act accordingly. Today’s decisions are connected to […]


Do you have wisdom?

Farm Session I have known the Barns family for several years and have had the chance to watch their daughter Bailey grow up.  When she was younger she was kind of interested in horses but never to a love to it like Amy has.  It wasn’t until last year when Bailey got her first horse […]

Farm Session

Barns Family | Farm Session | Taylorsville NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Barnes Family | Farm Session | Taylorsville NC | family walking through field

The Beyond Barriers Rodeo was started as a way to raise money for Chet Kidd who was in a farming accident a little over a year ago.  He has made leaps and bounds over the past year and all the proceeds from the rodeo are going towards his recovery.  Everyone in the rodeo community came […]


Beyond Barriers Rodeo | H and H Arena | Taylorsville NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Beyond Barriers Rodeo | H&H Arena | Taylorsville NC | American Flag on Horseback

Family Farm Bridal Session Gabby is one of the sweetest humans you will ever meet and I have been lucky enough to know her for several years.  When Gabby & Tate first got engaged I was so excited to do her bridals because I knew there would be cows and horses and that is right […]


Gabby | Family Farm Bridal Session | Hiddenite NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Family Farm Bridal Session | Hiddenite NC | horse eating grass from brides mouth

Saddle Leather Work Saddle repair is a long lost trade that has faded off and isn’t as popular as it used to be because horses are not our main source of travel.  People still ride for fun or competition so saddle repair is still needed to an extent but not like it once was.  Chris’s […]


Leather Working | Saddle Repair | Taylorsville, NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Saddle Repair | Taylorsville NC | stitching up a saddle horn

Krista & Nacho Krista is the sweetest human and has the sweetest and coolest animals.  Bunny was so sweet and would just jump up and give you a hug everytime you bent down to pet her.  She just wanted to be loved.  Nacho is just there for the party and was interested in pictures as […]


Krista & Nacho | Equine Session | Canola Fields – Statesville NC

Abby & Holly Most of ya’ll have heard Abby’s story and if you haven’t you definitely need to go and watch her story, I promise it will change your life and give you a new appreciation of the people around you. In short, Abby was in an awful car wreck back in February and was […]


Abby and Holly | Equine Session | Canola Fields – Statesville NC

Marlene & Nicholas Marlene is one of the sweetest humans you will ever meet.  She is in love with her horse, Nicholas, who she imported from Mexico.  He is such a ham.  Nicholas is the most laid back and easy going horse who loves the camera.  He was spot on and never missed a beat. […]


Marlene and Nicholas | Equine Session | Canola Fields – Statesville, NC

Janet & Nova I have known Janet for close to 8 years and I first met them when she moved down here and was needing a house sitter.  I went and interviewed for the job and got it.  At the time they had 2 horses and 2 minis and 2 dogs.  They had a cute […]


Janet & Nova | Equine Session | Canola Field – Statesville, NC

Farm Session I have been friends with Danette since we were 5 years old which puts us at being friends for almost 30 years (I’ll let you do the math). It’s hard to believe that Danette and Jody have almost been married for 2 years.  They are perfect for each other and always make photoshoots […]

Farm Session

Danette & Jody | Farm Session | Lenoir NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Farm Session | Lenoir NC | family walking

Benefit Barrel Race Abby was in a life changing car wreck back in February of 2019.  Her friends came together and put on an amazing barrel race to help raise money for all of her medical expenses.  It was a fun afternoon of a lot of barrel racing and they ended up raising over $7,000 […]


Abby Tomlin | Benefit Barrel Race | Lone Hickory Arena

Laze L Farm Photography | Abby Tomlin Benefit Barrel Race | Lone Hickory Arena | Yadkinville, NC | little boy barrel racing

LLF Rider – Jessie Parson Jessie Parson is the second LLF Rider for 2019 and I’m so excited to introduce you to her.  She has been a barrel racer her entire life, she is an equine/human massage therapist at Parson Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork, a vet tech for Statesville Equine Clinic, and a mom to […]


LLF Rider 2019| Jessie Parson | Getting to know her

Laze L Farm Photography | LLF Rider 2019 | Jessie Parson | black background with horse and rider

An Equine Photographer I met Cassidy of Cassidy Brooke Photography out of Charlotte, NC on Instagram.  I saw her work and we started chatting and instantly hit it off.  We are both laid back photographers that love horses.  It is so much fun meeting other photographers and getting together for a fun shoot.  I invited […]


A girl and her horse – Cassidy | Equine Session | Taylorsville, NC

Equine Session Teagan has been my side kick since she was little.  She fell in love with horses at a young age and they have been a part of her life ever since.  She is already 17 and turning into a beautiful young lady.  Teagan has a heart of gold and will always let you […]


A girl and her horse – Teagan | Equine Session | Taylorsville, NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Equine Session | Taylorsville NC | a girl riding a horse

Do I Trust God to be God? This hit hard, like smacked me in the face hard.  We go around as Christians saying we are living for God, but do we really mean it.  Do we really turn our problems over to him when the going gets tough, or do we try and fix the […]


Do I trust God to be God?

Laze L Farm Photography | Do you trust God? |

A Girl and Her Horse Reid is already 14 years old.  I remember when she was born and when her mom first brought her home.  There is nothing to make you feel older than watching your cousins grow up. We scheduled a fun shoot with Reid’s new horse, Jed.  This was the first time I […]


A girl and her horse – Reid | Equine Session | Taylorsville, NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Equine Session | Taylorsville NC | girl walking horse

Western Maternity Session I don’t get to do a ton of maternity sessions but when I do, I love doing them on the farm.  My cousin Chelbe and her husband Seth are expecting their first little girl.  We spent the evening walking around the farm, laughing, and taking a lot of pictures! Check out a […]


Western Maternity Session | Taylorsville, NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Western Maternity Session | Taylorsville NC | pregnant mom and husband

For the month of March, CDPhotog had his monthly photography competition.  This month we had to use a wide angle lens and capture some kind of action without zooming in but getting up close and personal with the action.  It was a little scary being 8 months pregnant and having Jessie spin super fast circles […]


Jessie Morrison | AQHA Working Cowhorse | Taylorsville, NC

Laze L Farm Photography | AQHA Working Cowhorse | Taylorsville NC | reining horse

For the month of March, CDPhotog had his monthly photography competition.  This month we had to use a wide angle lens and capture some kind of action without zooming in but getting up close and personal with the action.  It was a little scary being 8 months pregnant and having Jessie spin super fast circles […]


Jessie Morrison | AQHA Working Cowhorse | Taylorsville, NC

Laze L Farm Photography | AQHA Working Cowhorse | Taylorsville NC | reining horse

Almost there!

If you want to keep up with where I'll be, deals, and all the behind the scenes stuff, drop your email below!