


western lifestyle


Farm Session Jessie and her family are always so much fun.  Jessie is a super creative person and is killing it with her photography also.  Her new idea was to do a sunset farm session with their cows up on the ridge at sunset and of course I jumped with excitement because Jessie never disappoints. […]

Farm Session

Morrison Family | Sunset Farm Session | Lenoir NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Sunset Farm Session | Lenoir NC | cowboy moving cattle

Farm Session The Oakley family is one of the sweetest! The girls are model status and mom and dad are two of the nicest people you will ever meet.  I first met Anna in our Tuesday’s Together group and I instantly fell in love with her name, Anna Oakley.  We hit it off and have […]

Farm Session

Oakley Family | Farm Session | Taylorsville NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Farm Session | Taylorsville NC | family in front of a barn

Carson Family Farm Session I have known Kendall since elementary school and we worked together for a little time.  Watching her become a mom was so cool and her little boy is so sweet! Kendall wanted to have family pictures taken before her and her husband move to Alaska for two years.  She loves to […]

Farm Session

Carson Family | Farm Session | Taylorsville North Carolina

Laze L Farm Photography | Farm Session | Taylorsville North Carolina | grandparents with grandson

Farm Session I first met Sarah in a Facebook Group for Christian women.  Her sister-in-law runs the group “A Story for His Glory”, where she shares about her journey with adoption and living a Christian lifestyle.  She wanted to connect some local people by doing a snail male exchange and I got paired up with […]

Farm Session

Robertson Family | Farm Session | Stony Point NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Farm Session | Robertson Family | Stony Point NC | family on their farm

Why I don’t do mini sessions… I know this is a hot topic in the photography world.  But **MIC DROP** I don’t do mini sessions.  They are very popular and a lot of photographers do them around the holidays and special occasions, but I don’t. I’m not knocking them in anyway nor the photographers that […]

For Clients

Why I don’t do mini sessions | Laze L Farm Photography | Taylorsville, NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Farm Session | Taylorsville NC | Family standing in front of wooden fence

Farm Session I have known the Barns family for several years and have had the chance to watch their daughter Bailey grow up.  When she was younger she was kind of interested in horses but never to a love to it like Amy has.  It wasn’t until last year when Bailey got her first horse […]

Farm Session

Barns Family | Farm Session | Taylorsville NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Barnes Family | Farm Session | Taylorsville NC | family walking through field

Family Farm Bridal Session Gabby is one of the sweetest humans you will ever meet and I have been lucky enough to know her for several years.  When Gabby & Tate first got engaged I was so excited to do her bridals because I knew there would be cows and horses and that is right […]


Gabby | Family Farm Bridal Session | Hiddenite NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Family Farm Bridal Session | Hiddenite NC | horse eating grass from brides mouth

Saddle Leather Work Saddle repair is a long lost trade that has faded off and isn’t as popular as it used to be because horses are not our main source of travel.  People still ride for fun or competition so saddle repair is still needed to an extent but not like it once was.  Chris’s […]


Leather Working | Saddle Repair | Taylorsville, NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Saddle Repair | Taylorsville NC | stitching up a saddle horn

Farm Session I have been friends with Danette since we were 5 years old which puts us at being friends for almost 30 years (I’ll let you do the math). It’s hard to believe that Danette and Jody have almost been married for 2 years.  They are perfect for each other and always make photoshoots […]

Farm Session

Danette & Jody | Farm Session | Lenoir NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Farm Session | Lenoir NC | family walking

Elder Family Farm Session You might remember these two from their wedding in Fort Walton Beach, FL last May.  They had a gorgeous wedding on the beach and I was so lucky to be a part of it!! The first time we had their session scheduled we were getting over 16″ of snow in early […]

Farm Session

Elder Family | Farm Session | Taylorsville NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Elder Farm Session | Taylorsville NC | family walking with dog

Engagement Snow Session Destiny & Parks came to visit during the snow storm that we had.  After 18″ of snow and being snowed in for several days it was good to get out of the house. These two are getting married in May and are so cute together.  I have watched Destiny grow up into […]

Farm Session

Parks and Destiny | Snow Session | Taylorsville NC

Taylor Family The Taylor family is always one of my favorites to photograph.  Peyton, the little girl, is a spit fire and always keeps you entertained.  She is always laughing, doing crazy dances, or just being her goofy self.  It is always an honor to get to spend an afternoon with them! Each year for […]

Equine, Farm Session

Taylor Family | Farm Session | Lenoir NC

Haberski Family The Haberski family is one of the sweetest families you will ever meet! I first met Sally when I met her sweet little palomino mare, Lauralyle.  Her little mare came from a local horse sale and is now teaching lessons and schooling over three feet courses.  She has a heart of gold and […]

Farm Session

Haberski Family | Farm Session | Hickory NC

McCurdy Family The McCurdy Family is so fun! The kids are crazy and are not scared to get dirty.  The entire time, Sarah, the mom was telling them to stay out of the creek, get out of the mud puddle, and to stay clean for a few minutes to get some pictures. The McCurdy kids […]

Farm Session

McCurdy Family | Farm Session | Vashti NC

Morrison Farm Session I love when I get to shoot the Morrison Family.  They are so sweet and always up for whatever.  From the grandkids laughing to the jokes cracked by the adults, there is never a dull moment. I grew up with Jessie and I have known here since she was a wee lad. […]

Farm Session

Jessie and Josh | Farm Session | Taylorsville NC

Kilcoyne Family After meeting the Kilcoyqne Family you will never be the same.  They are full of energy, laughter, and never ending energy.  It was so much fun getting to know them even more. I first met Michelle (mom) in the Rising Tide Society group. Her and her family have a cool company called The […]

Farm Session

Kilcoyne Family | Farm Session | Taylorsville NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Farm Session | Taylorsville NC | family hugging each other

Felton Angus Ranch Felton Angus Ranch is located in Livingston, Montana, surrounded by mountains, and one of the most beautiful ranches I have ever visited.  Susie and her husband raise Angus beef cattle and live on the farm with their two adorable little girls. Susie is really active in social media, especially on Instagram, because […]

Farm Session, Personal

Felton Angus Ranch | Livingston, Montana

Laze L Farm Photography | Felton Angus Ranch | cow smelling little girls hand

Montana Every summer for the past four years, Michaela has packed up her truck and headed out to Montana.  A few summers ago she visited with some friends and fell in love and had to come back.  Each summer she works on a different ranch in different parts of Montana to be able to see […]

Farm Session

Flathead Lake Lodge | Bigfork, MT

Laze L Farm Photography | Flathead Lake Lodge | cowgirl in front of lake

Montana Every summer for the past four years, Michaela has packed up her truck and headed out to Montana.  A few summers ago she visited with some friends and fell in love and had to come back.  Each summer she works on a different ranch in different parts of Montana to be able to see […]

Farm Session

Flathead Lake Lodge | Bigfork, MT

Laze L Farm Photography | Flathead Lake Lodge | cowgirl in front of lake

Almost there!

If you want to keep up with where I'll be, deals, and all the behind the scenes stuff, drop your email below!