


western lifestyle


I was so excited when Sam came to the farm to do a photoshoot! She loves to model and loves western fashion.  We picked out a few outfits and she brought some of her own and put them all together. Sam was the first one to wear the parachute dress that I had made.  I […]

Western Lifestyle

Sam | Western Lifestyle Photoshoot | Taylorsville NC

woman with back to camera in black dress

Deanna I’m always excited to work with Deanna anytime I need a model.  Back in the summer I started buying dresses so I could start a client closet.  This was one of the first dresses I purchased and I was so excited to photograph it and Deanna was amazing in it.  About halfway through the […]

Western Lifestyle

Deanna | Western Lifestyle | Taylorsville NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Western Lifestyle | Taylorsville NC | Deanna posing with the hat

This was Round 2 of the Beth Dutton water trough sessions and it was a blast.  All of the ladies were absolutely gorgeous and we had a blast! Each girl brought their own personality from their favorite pair of cowgirl boots to their favorite bottle of whisky!

Western Lifestyle

Beth Dutton Inspired Photo Shoot | Taylorsville NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Western Lifestyle | Beth Dutton | Taylorsville NC | Laura playing with the horse

Western Lifestyle Reid had a really cool idea about doing a photography shoot with a flower crown that she made herself and a dress she got at Rue 21 for $25.  The lighting was amazing and the shoot was dreamy!

Western Lifestyle

Reid | Western Lifestyle | Taylorsville NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Western Lifestyle | Taylorsville NC | Reid on horse

Equine Photo Shoot Samantha brought her daughter Payton and her little pony to the farm for a photo shoot and I swear they were the cutest things ever.  Peyton was so excited to wear her dress and have pictures made with her pony.  Then before the photo shoot was over she wanted to have pictures […]


Samantha Lister | Equine Photo Shoot | Taylorsville NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Equine Photo Shoot | Taylorsville, NC | Walking her pony

Best Friends Reid and Zoe have been best friends since elementary school and literally do everything together. My cousin planted some beautiful wild flowers and they were just starting to bloom and we absolutely beautiful so we for sure had to do a photo shoot there before it got to late! It was so much […]

Farm Session

Reid + Zoe | Best Friend Photo Shoot | Taylorsville NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Best Friends Photo Shoot | Taylorsville NC | Best friend shot

Farm Session Farm Sessions are so much fun.  When Kristen reached out about getting some pictures taken of her daughter on their farm I was so excited!          

Farm Session

Kristen | Farm Session | Lenoir NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Farm Session | Lenoir NC | Kristen against the barn

Equine Senior Photo Shoot Deanna was a 2020 senior and her senior year was changed and didn’t go as planned with the pandemic setting in.  I know it has been so hard on a lot of the seniors in high school and college but most of them have made the best of it and adapted […]


Deanna | Equine Photo Shoot | Lenoir NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Senior 2020 | Equine Photo shoot | Lenoir NC | Deanna in cap and gown

Western Lifestyle My cousin Reid came over to the house because we had a last minute idea for a photo shoot. She didn’t really have a lot to wear so we took off to Wal-Mart for a last minute outfit.  The entire outfit was less than $30.  I took one of the wild rags and […]

Western Lifestyle

Reid | Western Lifestyle | Taylorsville NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Western Fashion | Taylorsville NC | model

Western Lifestyle Session Ashley is one of the most beautiful souls you will ever meet.  Her infectious smile to her bubbly personality.  She LOVES fashion and hats.  She literally has a traveling hat store in the back of her car. I got to do a mentor session with Ashley and she is kicking booty with […]

Farm Session

Ashley | Western Lifestyle | Love Valley NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Western Fashion | Love Valley NC | cowgirl with all her cowboy hats

Western Lifestyle Session Ashley is one of the most beautiful souls you will ever meet.  Her infectious smile to her bubbly personality.  She LOVES fashion and hats.  She literally has a traveling hat store in the back of her car. I got to do a mentor session with Ashley and she is kicking booty with […]

Farm Session

Ashley | Western Lifestyle | Love Valley NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Western Fashion | Love Valley NC | cowgirl with all her cowboy hats

Almost there!

If you want to keep up with where I'll be, deals, and all the behind the scenes stuff, drop your email below!