LLF Rider Session | Behind the Scenes | Samantha Collins

One thing that I love seeing is people reach their goals.  I love people that set HUGE goals and then go after them like they are a crazy person.  Throwing everything in but the kitchen sink to get there!

So this year I wanted to pick a few people to follow behind the scenes throughout the entire year.  I will be going to shows with them, showing ya’ll their getting ready, the nerves, the whole nine yards and I can not be more excited.

But first we must introduce the first lady! Her name is Samantha Collins and this year she is going to be competing in cutting at local and big shows.  She currently shows on her boss’s horse, Wally.  He is super cute and talented.  So kick back and watch the video to introduce you to Samantha and Wally!

Samantha is SUPER talented and one of the sweetest humans I have ever met! We snapped a few shots of her while I was up there.  I mean this girl is a natural in front of the camera and totally made my job super easy!

horse and rider
cutting horse
cutting horse
horse loping
horse getting saddle
horse and rider
horse and rider
horse and rider
german shepherd

horse and rider horse and rider

cutting horse and rider

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  1. Vera F. Edwardz says:

    Truly a beautiful and talented young lady. You have chosen well in Samantha. She is well spoken and will be a delight to follow. Thank you for highlighting Samantha.

Almost there!

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