One Month Old

How has time flown by so much.  It feels like you are only one week old not one month old.  Post pregnancy the recovery was pretty hard.  A c-section is painful to recover from because the doctor tells you not to lift more than ten pounds but my child was 9lbs and 14 ounces so that was a little impossible.  But I did take it easy and let Chris help me as much as possible.  He took the week off to stay home to help us get settled and into some kind of routine and help lift her up and down as much as possible.  We had to head back to Hickory the day after she was born for a follow up appointment. Lyza had lost some weight from breast feeding but this is totally normal for newborns.  After our visit they were worried about her weight loss and sent us back across the street to the hospital to talk to the lactation consultant.  She watched me nurse her and she told us everything was normal and that my milk would come in shortly and she would gain all of her weight back.  Then they sent us to the ENT doctor to make sure that she didn’t have a tongue tie.  Everything also checked out there.  On Saturday we made another trip back to Hickory to the doctor and my mom took me this time so Chris could get some stuff done around the house.  When we got to the doctor she was doing a lot better, she had gained a few ounces and her jondace level had dropped.  The doctor wanted us to come back one more day to make sure everything continued to improve so they wanted us to come back on Sunday morning.  When Sunday morning rolled around we started getting ready but the rain was coming down so hard everything was flooding.  We finally got her in the car and started down the road and two ways were blocked from where water was running up and over the road.  We called and rescheduled her appointment the following Monday.  The next morning things had dried up and were starting to look a lot better.  As we got to the doctor she had gained about 9 ounces and her jondace score had dropped almost ten points.  The doctor was impressed with how well she was doing!

At this point the doctor has me pumping and supplementing with formula until my milk comes in but she is gaining weight like a champ.  We are having to wake her up every 2-3 hours to feed her.  She takes lots of naps and gives us time to catch up on a little sleep also.   A lot of our family has been coming by wanting to see her and it has been so nice when they bring food! We have enjoyed seeing everyone!

When she was about 3 weeks old I started having severe pain in my back and we couldn’t figure our what was going on.  I went to the ER to see what it was and turns out my gallbladder needed to come out.  The following week when she turned 4 weeks old I had to have my gallbladder taken out.  Recover was much easier than the c-section but I was glad to have that out of the way.

We move her to a closer pediatrician that is only about 15 minutes from the house and it has been great.  I am able to function now and get out in public.  We started taking her out to eat and to see more people.  She loves looking around at fans and bright lights.  We take evening walks in the pasture and she coos and looks around at all the animals.

I can’t wait to see how much you will love the farm and all the animals and to see your personality come out even more!


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