An Equine Photographer

I met Cassidy of Cassidy Brooke Photography out of Charlotte, NC on Instagram.  I saw her work and we started chatting and instantly hit it off.  We are both laid back photographers that love horses.  It is so much fun meeting other photographers and getting together for a fun shoot.  I invited Cassidy up for a photoshoot with my two cousins and she brought a dress also so she had to get in front of the camera.

All of these images were actually shot by my cousin Teagan because I was shooting on Cassidy’s Nikon (I shoot Cannon) and I thought she did an awesome job. I edited them to share them on the blog because Teagan has taken a liking to photography in the past and I hope that it is something that she is able to pick back up later in life!

Enjoy a few of the fun images of Cassidy and Gus and be sure to check out her gorgeous work on her website!


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