Andrew & Paisley Magness | NC Wedding Photographer | Grassy Creek, NC

Paisley and Andrews wedding took place in the mountains of North Carolina, in a little town on the New River called Grassy Creek.  It is tucked away down a dirt road and when you round the turn this 1800’s farm house overlooks the New River.

The River House Inn is now owned by the original owner’s granddaughter.  Every building on the property from the old milk barns to the tobacco barn has been turned into a little cabin to stay in.  It is one of the coolest venues I’ve ever been lucky enough visit.

All morning while everyone was getting ready there was lots of laughs and plenty of good food.  The wedding was at noon under a huge tree in the old tobacco fields right beside the river.  It was the perfect fall day with just a little fall breeze.

 The ceremony was really unique. Paisley and Andrew incorporated a lot of different traditions.  During the vows the used an old Irish tradition of tying the knot.  Every time one of them said “I Do” the officiant wrapped the yarn (they even made the yarn themselves!) around their hands.  At the end of the vows they removed their hand and this is where the term “tying the knot” originally came from.

They also placed small rocks gathered from the river and around the property and placed them into a small bowl.  Each guest was to get one rock and hold it during the ceremony.  After the ceremony they were to return the rock to the bowl and all of the wishes and good thoughts would be in the rocks and with them throughout the rest of their marriage.

Paisley and Andrew are more than just another couple they truly are good friends. They are the sweetest most welcoming couple and could not be more perfect for one another.  I’m truly lucky to have been part of their journey!  I can’t wait to see all the amazing things that you guys will accomplish in your marriage.  I wish you to the best and lots of good laughs!!






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  1. Amie says:

    This is truly useful, thanks.

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