Branded In Ink
Jess with Branded in Ink was our first guest on The Western Way podcast! On this episode she shares her story of how her head injury from working on the ranch helped her start her business and become a better mom and wife along the way.
Jess talks about her life threatening injury when she was kicked in the head by a colt. Her journey back to learning how to rope and ride again and what lead her start her business with helping people with branding in the western industry.
Jess started her first business several years ago and to do it she had to invest $100 against her husbands will and it was one of the best investments they may because it help start her accessories business that she was able to sale 5 years later and help her family move across the country. While working cattle Jess got kick in the head so she had to find a way to do something with her time. She loved coaching others and helping others with her business, so that is how
Branded In Ink was started.
After the head injury, she also ripped her shoulder up and spent over a week in the hospital. Jess and her family had to live with her inlays because she couldn’t drive or work and she had two young boys. During this time her marriage got better, she became a better mom because she got to slow down and spend time with everyone. While learning how to ride again, she had to repeat steps to herself so she could get better and better each time.
Working for yourself is hard and you have to find a balance between business and family. Jess said that working for herself has allowed her to set goals and her kids get to see her chasing her dreams.
Ranching on the west coast is a lot different than on the east coast. On the west coast you don’t talk about how many cattle you have or how much land you own. On the east coast people talk about their cattle, trade cows, and borrow bulls. We all do the same thing and thats all that matters in the end!
Be sure to listen to her episode
You can find Jessica below:
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