


western lifestyle


I first met Olivia when she was still living in North Carolina and we did an amazing parachute dress photoshoot on top of a mountain and it was magical.  She invited us out to do a photoshoot of her and her husband Chantz. Their farm is located in Weatherford, Texas and it was so cool […]

Couples, Equine

Oliva + Chantz | Cowboy + Cowgirl Sunset Photoshoot | Weatherford TX

cowboy and wife wearing black dress walking with horse

We met up with my friend Justin who is also a photographer who lives close to Dallas. I was able to get some amazing clothes and jewelry to shoot for some brands while we were down there: Teal Creek Boutique (tshirts) Flying S Creations (earrings/tshirts) We started out at the stockyards up on the catwalk.  It […]

Western Lifestyle

Reid + Stephanie | Fort Worth Stockyards Photoshoot | Ft Worth TX

girl with turquoise and red lightening bolt shirt

So I’ve always thought it would be so cool to go to Fort Worth, Texas because I had never been.  The only part of Texas I have ever been to was Amarillo, but Fort Worth has always been high on my bucket list. Reid, my cousin and my friend Stephanie were down to go on […]

Western Lifestyle

Reid + Stephanie | Texas Sunset Photoshoot | Ft Worth TX

two women in western clothes looking left

Whitetop Mountain I had never visited Whitetop Mountain Virginia but my friend Sarah wanted to do a photo shoot up there with the parachute dress for a jewelry company, Turquoise Tuesday.  To get to the location you turn off the main road and it is literally 5 miles up a dirt road to get up […]

Western Lifestyle

Parachute Dress | Turquoise Tuesday | White Top Va

Laze L Farm Photography | Parachute Dress | Turquoise Tuesday | Whitetop Va

Whitetop Mountain I had never visited Whitetop Mountain Virginia but my friend Sarah wanted to do a photo shoot up there with the parachute dress for a jewelry company, Turquoise Tuesday.  To get to the location you turn off the main road and it is literally 5 miles up a dirt road to get up […]

Western Lifestyle

Parachute Dress | Turquoise Tuesday | White Top Va

Laze L Farm Photography | Parachute Dress | Turquoise Tuesday | Whitetop Va

Almost there!

If you want to keep up with where I'll be, deals, and all the behind the scenes stuff, drop your email below!