


western lifestyle


Farm Session I love having friends like Sarah.  She is a sweet friend that I talk to almost everyday and I always look forward to our conversations.  She is always there to lend an ear and always asking how she can pray for us.  She is one of those friends that you thank God for! […]

Farm Session

Robertson Family | Farm Session | Taylorsville NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Farm Session | Taylorsville NC | family walking together on their farm

Western Lifestyle Reid had a really cool idea about doing a photography shoot with a flower crown that she made herself and a dress she got at Rue 21 for $25.  The lighting was amazing and the shoot was dreamy!

Western Lifestyle

Reid | Western Lifestyle | Taylorsville NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Western Lifestyle | Taylorsville NC | Reid on horse

Dewey Minda got Dewey and has had him for many years.  When she was describing him to me in the questionnaire I sent to her before the session he sounded like a dream horse.  Dewey was going to live with some of Minda’s good friends to start to teach little kids to learn how to […]


Minda | Equine Photography | Lenoir, NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Equine Photography | Lenoir NC | far away shot in the river

Matthew + Tara Matthew + Tara got married at Matthews childhood home in Hickory NC.  It was a warm August afternoon but they got married down by a small creek that ran through the back yard.  It was mostly friends and family and was small but it made it so much more intimate.  These two were […]


Matthew + Tara | Wedding | Hickory NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Wedding Photography | Hickory NC | Standing at the alter

Zoey was a winner of a giveaway we did at the beginning of the year and we finally got around after all the craziness in the spring to do a photo shoot.  Zoey actually has a twin which is really cool! They both rodeo and love horses.  Zoey was so much fun and was totally […]

Western Lifestyle

Zoey | Western Lifestyle | Dudley Shoals, NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Western Lifestyle | Dudley Shoals NC | black and white looking away

Julianna is one of the sweetest people and she owns an amazing gorgeous boarding facility in Kernersville NC just outside of Winston Salem/High Point area. This was my second trip out to Abbot Creek and it was just as much fun as the first time.  All of her boarders are so sweet and welcoming and […]


Julianna | Equine Photography | Abbot Creek Stables

Laze L Farm Photography | Equine Photography | Abbot Creek Stable | Blacked out photo with horse and rider

I’ve known Trey since he was really little and I was so excited when I got to do his and his girlfriends’ s (now fiancé’s) Britney couple pictures.  We started out the shoot around his grandfathers old dairy barn which makes such a cool backdrop and then we hoofed it up to the top of […]

Couples, Western Lifestyle

Trey + Britney | Western Couple | Taylorsville NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Western Couple | Taylorsville NC

Graduation Pictures When Stephanie told me she was going to be in town and she wanted to do some graduation pictures I was totally down for it.  Stephanie was one of my best friends in high school and we have only seen each other a few times since then after she moved away at the […]


Stephanie | Graduation Pictures | Taylorsville NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Graduation Photography | Taylorsville NC | Posing the flag

Whitetop Mountain I had never visited Whitetop Mountain Virginia but my friend Sarah wanted to do a photo shoot up there with the parachute dress for a jewelry company, Turquoise Tuesday.  To get to the location you turn off the main road and it is literally 5 miles up a dirt road to get up […]

Western Lifestyle

Parachute Dress | Turquoise Tuesday | White Top Va

Laze L Farm Photography | Parachute Dress | Turquoise Tuesday | Whitetop Va

Parachute Dress Mini Session The Parachute Dress is one of the most gorgeous dresses I’ve seen.  It was designed by a lady named Alice Andrews who actually lives in North Carolina.  She has a huge selection of different colors and it was so much fun to try a new color.  We had several gorgeous girls […]

Western Lifestyle

Parachute Dress Mini Session | The Emerald Hill

Laze L Farm Photography | Parachute Dress | The Emerald Hill | Deanna with her arms posed

Parachute Dress Ashley + Alex are sisters and while I had the gorgeous parachute dress rented I thought it would be fun to do a photo shoot with them at their gorgeous farm right at sunset.  We had about 45 minutes before sunset so we hopped on the side by side and took off towards […]

Western Lifestyle

Ashley + Alex | Parachute Dress | Taylorsville NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Parachute Dress | Taylorsville NC | Sunset Parachute, Ashley

Western Bridal Portraits I was invited to do a fun styled shoot with two amazing photographers, Tasha and Olivia,  so I automatically jumped on the chance to do this because the dresses that we had rented were gorgeous.  Kirstan, who is always an amazing model was such an awesome sport with her sweet mare and […]

Western Lifestyle

Kirstan | Western Bridal Portraits | West Jefferson NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Western Bridal Portraits | West Jefferson NC

Equine Photo Shoot Samantha brought her daughter Payton and her little pony to the farm for a photo shoot and I swear they were the cutest things ever.  Peyton was so excited to wear her dress and have pictures made with her pony.  Then before the photo shoot was over she wanted to have pictures […]


Samantha Lister | Equine Photo Shoot | Taylorsville NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Equine Photo Shoot | Taylorsville, NC | Walking her pony

Western Fashion Western Fashion is always a blast and getting to work with two amazing models, Jenna + Ashlyn, makes it even more fun.  Sarah invited us up to her farm which is in the foothills of Virginia and it is absolutely gorgeous.  It ended with a the most breathtaking sunset up on the mountain with a […]

Western Lifestyle

Jenna + Ashlyn | Western Fashion | Rural Retreat VA

Laze L Farm Photography | Western Fashion | Rural Retreat, VA | Jenna and Ashlyn playing in the river

Best Friends Reid and Zoe have been best friends since elementary school and literally do everything together. My cousin planted some beautiful wild flowers and they were just starting to bloom and we absolutely beautiful so we for sure had to do a photo shoot there before it got to late! It was so much […]

Farm Session

Reid + Zoe | Best Friend Photo Shoot | Taylorsville NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Best Friends Photo Shoot | Taylorsville NC | Best friend shot

Mercy Grey – Western Lifestyle Mercy Grey Design designs some of the most gorgeous bags and she sent us some new ones that she has designed to photograph and as usual Ashlyn was totally down for a photo shoot.  When ever she sends new bags to be photographed I always try to set up different […]

Western Lifestyle

Ashlyn | Western Lifestyle | Taylorsville NC

Ashlyn | Western Lifestyle | Taylorsville NC | Silhouette horse and rider

Beth Dutton Inspired Photo Shoot I thought it would be really cool to do a photo shoot inspired by Beth Dutton.  After watching Yellowstone, Beth has become one of my favorite characters because she doesn’t put up with crap from anyone.  Ashlyn was totally down for one of my crazy ideas and this is how […]


Ashlyn | Beth Dutton Photo Shoot | Taylorsville NC

Ashlyn | Water Trough Photo Shoot | Taylorsville NC | Horses

Mentor Session Ashley is always a trooper when I need a model for a mentor session.  The day of the mentor session it was pouring rain but it was supposed to slack off closer to the time of the shoot and it finally did. The sun never came out but we worked with what we […]


Ashley | Mentor Sessions | Taylorsville NC

LazeLFarmphotography-NCEquinePhotographer-TaylorsvilleNC-Sitting pose on hay

Mentor Session Ashley is always a trooper when I need a model for a mentor session.  The day of the mentor session it was pouring rain but it was supposed to slack off closer to the time of the shoot and it finally did. The sun never came out but we worked with what we […]


Ashley | Mentor Sessions | Taylorsville NC

LazeLFarmphotography-NCEquinePhotographer-TaylorsvilleNC-Sitting pose on hay

Almost there!

If you want to keep up with where I'll be, deals, and all the behind the scenes stuff, drop your email below!