


western lifestyle


A Mentor Session We all have to learn.  We can all get better.  When you stop learning you need to find a new passion. I thrive on learning and getting better.  Chris of CDPhotog is one of my favorite photographers in the western industry. If you have never seen his work, make sure you do […]


A Mentor Session with CDPhotog | Western Lifestyle | Statesville NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Equine Session | Western Lifestyle | Statesville NC | girl standing in the back of a cattle trailer

A Mentor Session We all have to learn.  We can all get better.  When you stop learning you need to find a new passion. I thrive on learning and getting better.  Chris of CDPhotog is one of my favorite photographers in the western industry. If you have never seen his work, make sure you do […]


A Mentor Session with CDPhotog | Western Lifestyle | Statesville NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Equine Session | Western Lifestyle | Statesville NC | girl standing in the back of a cattle trailer

Almost there!

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