Tuesdays Together – Hickory

About 2 1/2 years ago I was looking for a community of people that I could bounce ideas off of and just talk about photography and business ideas.  I reached out to a few local photographers to see if they would be interested in getting together and starting a group, but Heather from Revival Photography, pointed me to the local group of The Rising Tide Society that had just started meeting in Hickory, NC. I was so excited about finding a local group of crazy people like me that I went straight to their Facebook and started searching around for all the information that I could.

Courtney added me to the group and I instantly got excited because I couldn’t wait till the first meeting.  As I sat in my car the night of the first meeting, I was terrified.  I wanted to run, but I knew that I needed this.  I sat and watched people walk into the restaurant and I was like I wander if they are in the group.  As I walked in I was greeted by a lot of smiling faces and I knew that I had found my group.

Fast forward to today and Mabyn and I are currently the co-leaders of this amazing group.  We were sad to loose Courtney as our leader because she was such an inspiration, but she moved to Iowa with her husband to follow their dreams of opening a Chick-fil-a! She always comes around and visits when she is back in town visiting!!

Head Shot Swap

Every year for the last 3 years we have done a Head Shot Swap.  We all meet up and pair off into smaller groups and we take head shots of each other.  If there are makers, we will do some fun headshots of them and also their product.  It always turns out into a great afternoon, with lots of laughs, falling in creeks, and enjoying each other’s company.  It is always an afternoon that you will never forget.

This Head Shot Swap is also one of our big events where new people come into visit.  They feel a little more comfortable because it is not our typical meeting.  We are outdoors, you get some amazing headshots, and its really easy to talk back and forth with all the new people.

If you have ever looked for a group of people that are there for each other through this crazy entrepreneur life, this group is for you.  Some of my best friends are in this group and I could not ask for a better group! I look forward to our monthly meetings and sometimes once a month is not enough and we meet up other times through out the month just to chat and see where everyone is on their business.

Enjoy a few shots from out 2019 Head Shot Swap  in Statesville, NC.



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