Our second day at the Salt Flats we got up really early and took off to the Salt Flats for a sunrise photoshoot.  It was just as breathtaking as the sunset the night before.  We took more dresses and shot for even longer.  It was really chilly so we didn’t stay to long after the sun came up before we took back off to hotel to get on the road to head to Canon Beach on the Oregon coast!

Enjoy a few more pictures from the Salt Flats during sunrise!

Reid walking away in Red Parachute dress
Savannah standing in black dress looking left
Reid facing away from camera with dress flowing
Savannah with dress flowing up on both sides
Reid standing looking left with the dress train out to the left
Savannah twirling in black dress
Savannah walking away in black dress
Savannah up close in black and white
Savannah and Reid standing together in black and red dresses
Savannah sitting on salt flat in black dress

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