When I get to shoot some of my best friends it makes my heart so happy! Danette is my life long best friend of over 30 years. We’ve literally been there with each other through everything! I got the chance to do her Christmas pictures, with the dogs, and both the boys and it was […]
Reid and Tanner were so cute. It’s so hard watching your little cousin become a young lady. They grow up so fast. Tanner is her boyfriend and he is a pretty good kid. He at least talks to you when you speak to him and he keeps Reid on her toes which is good for […]
A few times a year I love to work with other photographers and take head shots for each other. Since we have to post on social media so much it is nice to not have head shots that are 10 years old. Mabyn had come out to the farm for her family session so she […]
I LOVE getting to shoot Mabyn and Daniel and now Elias. We go way back (several years) and it is always so good to see her. She brought her sweet family to the farm for a fun fall farm session. Elias loved the cows and horses and he had a blast walking all over the […]
As in the blog post before Rebekah came down from New Jersey for a water trough photo shoot and she was in town a little bit the next day and she wanted to visit the mountains of North Carolina so we took off to the mountains to visit one of my favorite places, Moses Cone, and […]
So Rebekah reached out to me about a western styled photo shoot using the water trough. It said on her profile that she was from New Jersey and I thought that was crazy. She had seen me on Tiktok and had reached out for a photo shoot. I was blown away that she was going […]
The Murphy family was a blast! From the old guns to having fun with Kelsie during some pictures for her senior shoot. I promise there was never a minute that we weren’t busting out laughing! Check out some of the fun pictures from their farm session!
Belinda is a hoot! It’s crazy how we met. But short story is I was headed out west for a road trip and wanted someone to go with me and a friend of mine Whitney said her aunt wanted to go. We met one time for supper, and then left a few weeks later for […]
Round 2 of the Water Trough Mini Sessions was a blast as normal. All of these ladies definitely showed up all of their Beth Dutton vibes for these shoots. Each girl brings their own style and it’s so much fun to see them get out of their comfort zone and just cut loose and have […]
I met Sydney when I was looking for a hair and makeup artist for the parachute dress shoots back last summer. Sydney is a cool chic and so much fun to work with. She wanted to do some pictures of her and her boyfriend and their sweet dog so they came up to the farm […]
I was so excited when Anna reached out about doing some pictures of her and her sweet horse! We set out at sunset to catch all the gorgeous light and her boyfriend jumped in for a few. He was a huge help from getting ears up to helping carry all of the outfits. Here are […]
I’m so excited to see Wesley and Lydia expecting their first little one. I got the chance to shoot their engagement pictures, wedding and now watching them being parents for the first time is the sweetest thing!
Fall sessions are always some of my favorites. The warm tones and the sunlight it just makes me so excited. Sometimes driving down the road we will pass a field of brown grass and the sun hits it just perfectly and I get so excited and my husband looks at me like I’m crazy lol. […]
As a photographer sometimes it is fun to get together with another photographer and just have fun and that’s what me and Sarah did at her gorgeous farm in Virginia. We kind of layout a plan and bring some clothes and when we get there we just start shooting and we literally will shoot all day […]
The Davis family- I have known them for several years. They are always so much fun and Dylan, their son, loves photography too so it’s always cool to talk to him about photography. He loves to photograph trains and airplanes and I love to see what he is always going to capture next!
I don’t even know where to start with these guys lol. All I can say is there was never a dull moment and there was never a point during the pictures that we weren’t laughing. I love it when families are not afraid to be themselves because it makes the photo shoots SO much fun […]
Blair is an awesome photographer I met through social media and we hit it off right away. Over the last year we have done a ton of fun shoots and this time we got together to do a shoot for her for some new headshots!
I started following Megan from McTea Photography when I first started and I’ve always looked up to her in the photography world. We have talked back and forth on social media for the last few years and I always thought it would be so much fun to do a shoot together! When she said she […]
I started following Megan from McTea Photography when I first started and I’ve always looked up to her in the photography world. We have talked back and forth on social media for the last few years and I always thought it would be so much fun to do a shoot together! When she said she […]