


western lifestyle


I’ve known Garrett since he was a wee lad.  He is my best friends nephew so I’ve basically watched him grow up and I can’t believe that he is already a senior. For his senior pictures we went out to his family farm.  We started way up on the mountain and ended in a huge […]

Farm Session, Senior

Garrett | Farm Senior Pictures | Hiddenite NC

Guy in cowboy hat leaning on truck

Graduation Pictures When Stephanie told me she was going to be in town and she wanted to do some graduation pictures I was totally down for it.  Stephanie was one of my best friends in high school and we have only seen each other a few times since then after she moved away at the […]


Stephanie | Graduation Pictures | Taylorsville NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Graduation Photography | Taylorsville NC | Posing the flag

Graduation Pictures When Stephanie told me she was going to be in town and she wanted to do some graduation pictures I was totally down for it.  Stephanie was one of my best friends in high school and we have only seen each other a few times since then after she moved away at the […]


Stephanie | Graduation Pictures | Taylorsville NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Graduation Photography | Taylorsville NC | Posing the flag

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