


western lifestyle


Reid has grown into such a beautiful person inside and out. As my little cousin I always see her as a little girl.  She is the best Pinterest pinner, ear getter upper, and car shoafer at photo shoots.  I love when she gets on the other side of the camera.  Oh and she is the best dress […]


Reid | Western Lifestyle | West Jefferson NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Western Lifestyle | West Jefferson NC | Reid kissing the horse

Western Lifestyle With with Kirstan is always a breath of fresh air.  She is a bad ass and lights up in front of the camera.  It was the perfect fall afternoon for a fun shoot.  We got to include all of her sweet horses and the cutest dogs ever!

Equine, Western Lifestyle

Kirstan | Western Lifestyle | West Jefferson NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Western Lifestyle | West Jefferson NC | photos with all horses and dogs

Western Lifestyle sessions are a huge passion of mine! Kirstan is the best! She is a bad ass brand rep for some awesome businesses and we got to do a fun shoot with all of them. Check out some of the brands that were featured in this shoot: Stella & Finn Mercy Grey Design Charlie […]

Western Lifestyle

Kirstan | Western Lifestyle | Western Jefferson NC

Kirstan | Western Lifestyle | Western Jefferson NC | Movement shot

Equine Fashion Photo Shoot Working with western brands has been one of my new favorite things! From clothing lines to boho bags.  There are so many amazing companies out there that make some gorgeous things.  In this photo shoot we did shots for Stella & Finn Elusive Leather Designs Blacksheep Shop Charlie 1 Horse Mercy […]


Kirstan | Equine Fashion Photo shoot | West Jefferson NC

Laze L Farm Photography | NC Equine Photographer | West Jefferson | a cowgirl hugging her horse

Western Lifestyle I was so excited to have a western lifestyle shoot during the winter months because I was getting cabin fever really bad.  I teamed up with Blair from VBT Photography and Kirstan (model).  The shoot took place on Kirstan’s farm in West Jefferson.  We kept watching the weather and though that it was […]


Kirstan | Western Lifestyle | West Jefferson NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Western Lifestyle Photography | NC Equine Photography | West Jefferson NC | cowgirl

Western Lifestyle I was so excited to have a western lifestyle shoot during the winter months because I was getting cabin fever really bad.  I teamed up with Blair from VBT Photography and Kirstan (model).  The shoot took place on Kirstan’s farm in West Jefferson.  We kept watching the weather and though that it was […]


Kirstan | Western Lifestyle | West Jefferson NC

Laze L Farm Photography | Western Lifestyle Photography | NC Equine Photography | West Jefferson NC | cowgirl

Almost there!

If you want to keep up with where I'll be, deals, and all the behind the scenes stuff, drop your email below!