The first part of our trip to Montana we got to hang out with our dear friends Mary and John.  They took us down to a cool place to view elk.  On the way we stopped in a few of the cool Montana towns and they even took us into a small town bar.  Things are so different out west but I love it!

Once we got down to view the elk, we had to drive several miles back to where they were.  We sat and watched and waited and they finally started coming out of the woods.  We started taking a ton of pictures and videos and all of a sudden there were three bulls walking around on the edge of the woods.

It was so cool to see them so close and to be able to take pictures of them.  

Here are a few pictures from our first few days in Montana.

Billings MT landscape
Billings MT bridge
Billings MT grain tower
Billings MT landscape 2
Billings MT windmills
Billings MT landscape 3
Billings MT landscape 4
Billings MT elk bull
Billings MT elk herd
Billings MT elk
Billings MT bull elk 2
Billings MT 2 elk together

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