LLF Rider 2019

Abby is one of my new LLF Riders of 2019 and I could not be more excited for her journey.  A few weeks ago I put out a post on Facebook about looking for a few new riders to follow along on their journey for the 2019 season.  Abby reached out to me and said she was interested.  Not to long after that she was in a tragic car wreck.

After the wreck, Abby was injured to the point of not being able to walk for three months.  I thought it would be such a cool story to share her Road to Recovery and she was on board!

Road to Recovery

The journey is going to be long, but Abby has already come so far in just two short weeks.  She has a huge support system of friends and family that are there for her.  Her story is will touch you, bring tears to your eyes, but you will see her determination that she has.

Abby is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet.  She is always smiling and makes friends with everyone she meets.  So be sure to watch the entire story below as she describes the accident and what her goals are in the next coming months!

After we shot the video the horses were really interested in, “Betty”, Abby’s electric chair.  She wheeled around to a few of the stalls and it was so cute to see their reactions.  They knew it was still Abby and still gave lots of kisses!

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  1. Glenda Tomlin says:

    Thank you for sharing Abby ‘s journey.
    I look forward in seeing the awesome progress she will be able to make.

  2. Doris Church says:

    Awsome Abby. You look so good. Prayers are continuing.

  3. Becky Lambert says:

    We love Abby. She and her family are part of our big church family. We love them, we pray for them daily. We are behind you Abby!! TEAM TOMLIN!!

  4. Barbara C Williams says:

    Praying for this young cowgirl. She is one of my “grandstudents”!

  5. Barbara CWilliams says:

    ” Never give up!”

  6. Danna Harris says:

    Abby you’re so strong. We’re proud of you. You’ve got this. All things are possible through God! 🙏🏼

  7. Scarlette Marie says:

    It’s so amazing what you have done for her! Prayers for her and her family during this time of recovery! Stay strong !

  8. Kenny Edmisten says:

    Wow. What an inspiration. My wife Meme taught Sam.

  9. Eric Daniels says:

    Abby stay strong.

  10. April, Tim & Courtney Stroud says:

    We love you sweet girl! You got this!💙

  11. Phyllis VanHoy says:

    Praying for you speedy recovery Abby. God bless you, dear.

Almost there!

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