


western lifestyle


LLF Rider 2019 Abby is one of my new LLF Riders of 2019 and I could not be more excited for her journey.  A few weeks ago I put out a post on Facebook about looking for a few new riders to follow along on their journey for the 2019 season.  Abby reached out to […]


LLF Rider 2019 | Road to Recovery | Abby Tomlin

Laze L Farm Photography | LLF Rider 2019 | Abby Tomlin | Harmony NC | girl holding horse

The first week of November I headed out West for yet another trip to see some beautiful country.  Along the way I got to stop in and see some of my awesome friends living their dreams. If you have been following along, Samantha is one of my LLF Riders this year and she is now […]


Smoke Creek Quarter Horses | Bennett Colorado

Laze L Farm Photography | Denver CO | Smoke Creek Farm | girl with horse in the field

This season Samantha had big plans to compete in the cutting arena but life throws you plans and sometimes you have to reset your goals and start over.  She’s still riding and setting goals and has some new ones on the horizon.  Check out her video below to see what she has been up to […]


LLF | Mid Season | Samantha Collins

Laze L Farm Photography | Equine Session | Girl with horse trailer

This season Samantha had big plans to compete in the cutting arena but life throws you plans and sometimes you have to reset your goals and start over.  She’s still riding and setting goals and has some new ones on the horizon.  Check out her video below to see what she has been up to […]


LLF | Mid Season | Samantha Collins

Laze L Farm Photography | Equine Session | Girl with horse trailer

Almost there!

If you want to keep up with where I'll be, deals, and all the behind the scenes stuff, drop your email below!